The Importance of Updating Your Governing Documents is presented and hosted by Castle Group. If you have any issues with registering, problems with your Zoom link, etc., please contact Castle Group at [email protected].
Course# 9630143 | Provider# 0005092 | 1 CEU in OPP or ELE
Instructor: Kerstin Henze, Esq. (Kaye Bender Rembaum, P.L.)
During this session, Community Association Managers and Board Members will learn how changing outdated rules, ambiguous information, and vague rights in governing documents can impact your association for the better! Upon completing this course, attendees will understand: *The hierarchy of Governing Documents *Amendment procedures & Owner/mortgagee consent requirements *Impacts that “bad” language in the governing documents can have on substantive issues like on collections, maintenance of common elements, and more.