1200 Park Central Blvd. South, Pompano Beach, FL
9121 North Military Trail, Suite 200, Palm Beach Gardens, FL
11486 Corporate Blvd., Suite 130, Orlando, FL
1211 North Westshore Blvd., Suite 409 Tampa, FL
Offices in Miami-Dade (by appointment)
Reach any office: 800.974.0680

1200 Park Central Blvd. S., Pompano Bch, FL
9121 N. Military Trail, Ste. 200, Palm Bch Gdns, FL
11486 Corporate Blvd., Suite 130,Orlando, FL
1211 N. Westshore Blvd., Ste. 409, Tampa, FL
Offices in Miami-Dade (by appointment)
Reach any office: 800.974.0680

2021 Legislative Forecast: Federal and State Realities & Priorities

You’ll hear from state and federal lobbyists and leaders about what to expect in the 2021 legislative session in Florida and Congress. We’ll discuss what we know about the newly elected legislators and we’ll share priorities impacting condominiums and homeowners associations. Michael Bender, Esq. and Chair of CAI’s Florida Legislative Alliance joins CAI’s Dawn Bauman for this interesting and informative discussion. Note: There is no CE credit with this webinar.

Elections | Condos, HOAs & Co-ops

Join attorney Allison L. Hertz for a one-hour webinar addressing election law and procedures for condominiums, cooperatives and homeowners associations, including, eligibility requirements and terms of directors, best practices for remote meetings, vacancies between elections, and election disputes.
Course # 9630571 | Provider # 0005092 | 1 CE in OPP or ELE
Instructor: Allison L. Hertz, Esq., B.C.S.

Covenant Enforcement

Campbell Property Management and Kaye Bender Rembaum present:
Covenant Enforcement for HOAs and Condominiums
Provider # 0005092  |  Course # 9630145  |  1 CE credit in OPP or as Elective
Nov. 12, 2020 | 12 Noon to 1pm
Instructor: Andrew B. Black, Esq., BCS
This course will provide new and experienced Board members with information on the importance of timely and uniformly enforcing the covenants.  Participants in this class will learn about common restrictions to enforce, and possible enforcement issues that arise due to the lack of uniform and/or timely enforcement.  They will also learn the basics of enforcement options, including the statutory process to levy a monetary fine, to suspend the ability of a person to use the common areas, as well as suspending voting rights. Participants will also be provided with guidance on the formal dispute resolution process when a covenant violation occurs, including, as applicable, mediation, arbitration, and legal action being filed in State Court.

Ask the Attorneys

The 13th Annual ASK THE ATTORNEYS Is going Digital!

Attorneys Robert Kaye and Michael Bender, each Board Certified Specialists
in Condominium & Planned Development Law, lead a spirited discussion about new legislation and other topics relating to community associations.
Have your questions or topics ready…you will determine the course of discussion for the evening…Live on Zoom!


Jumping Into the Present

Campbell Property Management and Kaye Bender Rembaum present:
Jumping Into the Present: Why Updating the Governing Documents of Your Association is Critically Important
Provider # 0005092  |  Course # 9630143  |  1 CE credit in OPP or as Elective
Nov. 10, 2020 | 12 Noon to 1pm
Instructor: Lisa A. Magill, Esq., BCS
Statutory changes and case law decisions greatly impact the interpretation, enforce-ability and legal effect of the governing documents of a community association. Antiquated documents can create liability exposure to the association and its members. Old provisions may hinder association operations, leaving community associations without the rights and remedies it needs to property govern the community. Participants in this course will learn about common pitfalls in older governing documents, specific provisions that are no longer legally enforceable and why updates are so crucial to successful association governance.